Swiss Chinese Law Association visited Guangzhou Arbitration Commission

— Mr Xiao Wanhua led Orient Cambridge lawyers to attend the meeting

On 12 March 2021, representatives of the Swiss Chinese Law Association visited Guangzhou Arbitration Commission. The two parties reached cooperation agreement on jointly promoting the internationalization of the "Guangzhou Standard" and planned to sign a memorandum in the near future. In addition, the two parties exchanged opinons on the joint promotion of multiple mediation mechanisms represented by "mediation-arbitration" and the promotion of the online cross-border commercial dispute resolution (ODR) platform.

Representatives attending this visit included: Wang Tianxi, Deputy Director of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission; Yuan Fang, Deputy Director of the Secretary Department; Wang Shijie, Assistant to the Business Director; Feng Yuyi, Business Director; and Ma Ting, Business Director.Members of Swiss China Law Association attending the meeting included, Xiao Wanhua, Managing Partner of Shanghai Orient Cambridge Law Firm, Yan Penghe, Managing Partner of Beijing Zhong Yin Law Firm, Zhang Tianze, Committee Member of Swiss Chinese Law Association, Dong Huihua, Partner of Guangdong Lawsons Law Firm, Zhang Kehua, Jingtian & Gongcheng Law Firm, Ms Xie Jiating, Guangdong Datong Law Firm lawyer and Zeng Fengchi, the consultant of the Association, participated in the visit.

Deputy Director Wang Tianxi introductd Guangzhong’s unique "Guangzhou Model", "Guangzhou Standard" and Internet arbitration mechanism to the attendees. During the pandemic, Guangzhou Arbitration Commission adopted a remarkable Internet Arbitration model to achieve "no meeting" and "no close of business" in arbitration. The number of cases during this period has increased rapidly, and it has made excellent efforts to resolve domestic and foreign legal disputes during the pandemic. Meanwhile, the "Guangzhou Model" and "Guangzhou Standard" are new, special and valuable, providing extensive reference for more than 100 domestic arbitration institutions and arbitration institutions in more than 20 countries and regions in the world.

肖万华律师表示,协会的特点,是年轻、公益、行动力并联结了所有法律人、中外机构及相同价值观的法律人 。 他强调到访广仲后感受到“广州标准”体现在了广仲人工作的每一处。张天泽理事介绍了瑞中法协及日内瓦调解中心(GIDI)的发展情况,并介绍了GIDI将国际调解裁决转换为国内合意仲裁裁决的实践。他也介绍了瑞中法律协会目前开展的全球项目,包括其国际专业期刊《瑞中法律评论》、“SCLA律所联盟”、“SCLA全球论坛”以及 “SCLA学者项目”。闫鹏和律师表示,瑞中法律协会是全球有影响力的法律专业群体,它体现了中国法律人的全球视野,这也与“广州模式”和“广州标准”的精神不谋而合。董辉华律师表示会更加积极促进双方机构的合作和发展。张柯华律师也表示会在自己的涉外工作领域更多推广仲的“广州模式”。



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